Falkirk Tryst Golf Club
Course Flyovers

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Hole 1

Pro Tip:

A good well bunkered par 3 played ideally with a high trajectory to avoid the troublesome barrier of bunkers. Beware also of a troublesome depression just to the right of the green which can leave a tricky pitch.

Hole 2

Pro Tip:

The ideal drive is towards the left side of the fairway with two bunkers and a variety of trees lurking to the right. Although bunkered to both sides the approach is quite generous to a large green.

Hole 3

Pro Tip:

A straight drive is required here to set up a medium to long iron second shot to a well guarded green. Beware of the very large and deep bunker to the left front side of the green.

Hole 4

Pro Tip:

The first and longest of the Par 5's. A straight hole with trees to the left and gorse and trees to the right. After a good drive there is a well positioned fairway bunker which must be taken into account for the second shot of the bigger hitters.

Hole 5

Pro Tip:

The best birdie chance of the front nine but the green is well protected by bunkers. On the green beware of the slope in some areas.

Hole 6

Pro Tip:

A drive to the right of centre avoids a troublesome dip. The approach needs to be accurate as the green is well protected by trees to the back and both sides.

Hole 7

Pro Tip:

A generous fairway on this hole with the ideal drive just left of centre. There are many trees all the way to the green on the right hand side in particular. Beware also of the out of bounds on the right hand side beyond the fence on Tryst Road.

Hole 8

Pro Tip:

A very tough Par 3 with gorse both left and right and well bunkered towards the green. The ideal tee shot is straight between the two bunkers visible from the tee.

Hole 9

Pro Tip:

A demanding tee shot which ideally should find the centre right of this tight fairway. Many avoid using the driver here to avoid the gorse both right and left The second shot is to a green tightly guarded by three bunkers.

Hole 10

Pro Tip:

The shortest of the Par 3's but still a demanding tee shot. The key is to avoid the very deep bunker left of the green. Don't be too bold though as anything too far can find heavy rough or trees just behind the green.

Hole 11

Pro Tip:

A severe dog-leg to the right. The ideal tee shot should be between the fairway bunkers on the corner. This leaves a difficult second shot to a well bunkered sloping green.

Hole 12

Pro Tip:

A well struck tee shot required here to avoid trouble on all sides. Gorse in front of the tee needs to be carried first. There are two separate ponds to the left of the green. To the right there is a tricky bunker.

Hole 13

Pro Tip:

The most testing of the Par 5's with out of bounds and a combination of trees and gorse all the way down the left to the green. To the right, the main hazard is gorse with a few troublesome trees interspersed. Beware a well struck tee shot also land on a fairway the slopes to the right !!

Hole 14

Pro Tip:

A dog-leg left following the out of bounds fence on the left. Although the fairway is generous there is gorse to the right. The entrance to the green is quite narrow with out of bounds behind.

Hole 15

Pro Tip:

A marvellous hole with out of bounds over the wall all the way to the left. The second shot must be struck on line to avoid the two bunkers on the left and three on the right on the approach to the large green. Beware the hidden bunker just over the green.

Hole 16

Pro Tip:

A tee shot played slightly towards the right side of the fairway leave a short approach to this well bunkered green.

Hole 17

Pro Tip:

The tee shot should favour the left half of the green as the ground runs to the right. Anything right of the green brings into play a well positioned bunker, tree and out of bounds.

Hole 18

Pro Tip:

Having found the fairway, the second shot requires some thought to avoid the Chapel Burn which flows both short and to the right side of the green. Beware also of the large deep bunker just short and to the right of the green.